English school and nursery
Monty Preschool of Prague

International and Multicultural Kindergarten and Nursery

More information

Monty School Prague

Monty kindergarten is a bilingual school. We accept all students from around the World. Children grow and learn in an International Multicultural environment. The billingual environement helps children learn english naurally from a native speaker.


Monty songs

Monty songs are now available on the YouTube platform.

 CLIK Here

Monty for children with different mother tongues

We specialize in children with different mother tongues.

We teach them Czech so that they can live well in the Czech Republic, but also English for a better loss in life.

Enrollment for the School Year 2023/2024

Monty preschool applications for the 2023/2024 school year are accepted until full capacity. We provide pre-school education to children from 2 years.

The child can also be enrolled during the school year and in case of a vacancy.

You can also enroll your child ONLINE. 

The enrollment will consist of several parts:

Sending electronic application form

On our website, you fill in a non-binding electronic application

Video meeting or a personal meeting

We will arrange a video call or a personal meeting where we will introduce each other.

Administration We will send you the necessary documents:

  • application
  • registration sheet - In the actual situation in Czech, do not visit the GP in person. To substantiate this obligation, the legal representative:
    1. declare that the child is properly vaccinated (sample statement to be sent) - in the case of online enrollment
    2. provide a copy of the vaccination certificate - in the case of online enrollment
  • preview of the contract
  • GDPR

You can send these documents back signed by registered mail, electronic signature or data box to qusncnm

Payment of reservation fee

You will pay a reservation fee of 2500 CZK, which will be deducted from the first tuition fee.

Signing of the contract and issuing the decision on acceptance Finally

We agree on the terms and conditions and the school head issues a decision on admission. We will arrange the day of arrival.

Monty for foreigners

We can arrange all the administration for children and their parents from abroad. 

We have many years of experience working and communicating with families and children with a different mother tongue. We will teach children in Czech so that they succeed in enrollment in Czech schools, but also in English so that they are ready to further education in international schools.
At Monty we have an assistant for children with a different mother tongue then Czech to help communicate between family and school. We work closely with the Meta o. p. s organization, which offers support to teachers and schools if they address the specific needs of children and pupils with a different mother tongue. We are able to provide Czech language courses for family members of children.

In Monty you can speak Czech, Slovak, English, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, Spanish immediately.

You do not speak a single language? We will provide a translator for your first communication meeting!!!!

For more information contact us on praha@monty-skolka.cz or application click here.

What iterests you

Preschool preparation

The preschool club is most often divided into blocks, each of which lasts 20-25 minutes. Within them, we practice fine motor skills, visual and auditory perception, attention and memory, thinking and numerical relationships, school readiness in general. Emphasis is placed on the pre-reading period of introductory reading, where we draw on the SFUMATO fluent reading methodology. Through continuous reading, we teach children the correct eye movements, thereby preventing developmental disorders, especially dyslexia. We develop pre-mathematical thinking using the HEJNÉHO method.

Teaching takes place in a specially adapted classroom with an interactive whiteboard.


Speech therapy

More and more children have speech problems and need to seek professional speech therapy care. If more languages are being taught, speech therapy supervision is a necessity. The pronunciation and correct speech development in Monty is supervised by a clinical speech therapist, who regularly attends kindergarten once a week.

Sports club

The sports club is focused on the all-round development of your child's movement abilities and skills.

Thanks to the methodical and non-traditional processing of the circle, children learn to play sports correctly and develop a positive relationship with movement. The content of the club is also learning about attractive Olympic disciplines and competing in the spirit of fair play.

The sports program does not have the character of training and does not aim to achieve top sports performance. In teaching, generally developing exercises are used, which increase children's dexterity and physical condition in a playful and competitive manner.

German language

The German ring is taught according to Hallo Anna textbook. Children together with the lecturer and the central character Anna penetrate the foundations of the tongue in a playful and entertaining way. Each lesson is divided into several parts so that the children are not bored and to get used to the order and regularity. In the teaching, mostly audio-visual methods such as pictures, thematic posters or singing German songs are used, children also actively use textbooks.

Monty Fashion

At Monty, we do not compel parents to purchase expensive uniforms. However, we do provide the option to acquire a Dress Code, which consists of a collection of standardized clothing and accessories that we use during communal events, outings, and celebrations.

The Dress Code also includes attire for the teachers, who use it on a daily basis.


Enrollment for the School Year 2023/2024




The child can be enrolled in Monty all year round. We will reserve a seat for the next school year. Currently ONLINE here.

The specific date and time of the meeting should be arranged through a web application. Include the day and time preference in the note.

  • The total capacity of Kindergarten Monty is 20 children.
  • Children are admitted to two separate classes, with the capacity of one class being 10 children.
  • The director of the Monty kindergarten reserves the right to exempt from the number of children in one class, up to 15 children, if the second class is not fulfilled, at least 5 children.
  • It is possible to enroll a child in the Monty kindergarten during the school year if the capacity of the Monty kindergarten stated in the school register is not full.
  • Only children who have undergone scheduled regular vaccination or have evidence that they are immune to the disease or cannot undergo vaccination for permanent contraindication as required by Section 50 of Act 258/2000 Coll., On public health protection, or children who are to 31.8. 2023 will reach the age of five for which pre-school education is compulsory.
  • In accordance with Section 34 (1) of the Education Act, a child will be admitted as a priority. 2022 has reached the age of five for compulsory pre-school education.
  • Pre-school education has been provided to children since the age of 2. Admission is decided on the basis of the capacity of the kindergarten and classes.
  • Priority will be given to applicants for full-time attendance.
  • The admission of a child with a disability will be decided on the basis of an expert assessment and a written statement of the school counseling facility, or. also a general practitioner for children and adolescents.
  • The headmistress of the nursery school Monty may use the possibility of determining the probationary stay of the child for a period of three months under Section 34 (3) of the Education Act, with the exception of the child for whom pre-school education is compulsory.
  • The application must be accompanied by a duly completed application form (application to the Monty kindergarten), childcare, and a medical certificate. Documents published on www.monty-skolka.cz.

Theater and dramatic club

Theater offers children the possibility of physical and mental activities at the same time. In this club, children enjoy a lot of fun playing various children's theater games and fairy tales. In a playful way, they learn a lot of rhymes, poems, language and fairy tales, learn to speak clearly and also perform in front of other children. The club is therefore also suitable for children who are ashamed to learn how to establish yourself. Conversely, restless children can calm down in this club.


At MONTY, we don't pamper children, but employ their heads and bodies to learn many times more than anywhere else, while considering kindergarten as their second family! We focus on simultaneous bilingualism, where a child learns both languages at the same time, and has had contact with both of them since early childhood.

The Monty School Prague kindergarten is registered in the school register and situated in the beautiful surroundings of the Hodkovičky district of Prague.

Children grow up in a multicultural environment. Children are not strictly divided according to age, but rather on the basis of their knowledge and abilities. Children are cared for by native English speakers as well as Czech teachers from both men and women. We consider experiential learning with a varied offer of stimuli for learning and the joy of it to be essential. The basic method of our work is a game, which means learning, communicating, imagining, cooperating, creating, being happy, being free, amazing, growing but also having time. We work with everyone according to their pace and possibilities.

We see the benefits of bilingual education when the child speaks one language, as if he had an answer in another in his head. He has to evaluate at any moment how his partner is talking in the conversation. This is a good training for the brain, thanks to which children have more creative thinking and are more sensitive in communication. From an early age, they know that this does not have to be just a "table", but also a "tisch" or a "table", so they do not box so much and tend to be more open. As a rule, bilingual children can also think better about the nature and function of the language and learn more language more easily.

1) Advantages of communication:
- wider communication field (extended family, community, international connections, employment).
- literacy in two languages.

2) Cultural benefits:
- deeper multiculturalism, bilingual experience of the world.
- greater tolerance towards minorities, less inclination towards racism.

3) Development of cognitive skills:
- development of thinking, creativity, sensitivity in communication.

4) Personal development:
- strengthening self-esteem, self-confidence.
- secure identity.

5) Benefits in the field of education:
- the growing possibility of achieving higher education.
- easier learning a third language.

6) Economic benefits:
- wider possibility of employment in various occupations


Children at the kindergarten are provided with truly healthy food in the form of organic products, seasonal fruits and vegetables, and high-quality products from local farmers.

Sweets are replaced with alternatives like unsulfured dried fruits. We make our own homemade muesli sweetened with quality chocolate, bake our own bread, and use butter rather than margarine.

Lunches are delivered by the company www.gastrovondracek.cz. This company, along with Mr. Vondráček himself, ensures the quality of both preparation and meat on a daily basis. They prioritize homemade ingredients and high-quality foods.

Morning and afternoon snacks are served in a buffet style, where children can choose from a variety of pastries (savory, sweet), spreads (butter, spreads), ham, cheese, fresh fruits, and vegetables (according to the season).

We draw great inspiration from PharmDr. Margrit Slimáková and her healthy cuisine.


The educational program includes a cycling and sports week, sports days and regular walks around.

In cycling week, children learn in a practical and fun way how to ride a bike safely. They are accompanied throughout the week by experienced instructors and show children the beauty and risks of cycling. After the course, children are more aware and responsible, during their stay, both on the road and in the field. The little ones will learn to ride their own bikes in a week. The more experienced will then improve in the technique of riding in the woods, meadows, terrain and sportkids fun obstacles (they simulate, for example, descending from the sidewalk, overcoming uneven road surfaces and generally increase stability and safety on the bike).